Innsbruck – friday afternoon

After we arrived to Innsbruck, we went from the train station to the House of Music on a 15 minute walk through the city. Finally when we got there, we got a guided tour throughout the house. We got a look at how the house was built and a look at the concert halls as well as the practice rooms. Then we went up the the balcony where we took a group photo. After the guided tour we got to explore Innsbruck on our own./ Joel

A day at the boarding school

Everyday starts with breakfast at 7 am. Because we lived at the boarding school the school was only a couple of stairs down. When school ends you have free time and then dinner which always is at 6:15 pm and starts with a prayer.
Between 7 and 8 pm the girls at the boarding school has study time and since we don’t go to the school this was the time we got to explore the town. At 9:30 pm it’s silent hours at the boarding school and soon after that it knocks at the door and a nun wish you “gute nacht”. /Agnes and Ida

Banter with bulls

Wreathed in myths and beauty, the Lochputz Waterfall Park was our next destination. With helmets securely fastened, the audio guided tour began. Walking through different dug-out tunnels, scaling entwining bridges, the sheer force and beauty of Zams’ waterfalls could be seen. While witnessing the sights, interesting and thoughtful stories were heard through the audio guide. At the end of the tour we had the pleasure of experiencing the underground hydro-fueled powerstation, where copious amounts of energy were produced. Walking out of the park with the stories and scenery in mind we once more learnt to appreciate our environment anew./ Carl and Henning

Friday- last day in Zams

After an night of celebration, we tiredly gathered in the music room on Friday. The headmistress thanked everyone for an amazing evening and a great week. To tie the knot on the beginning of this project, a tree was to be planted in memory of our schools’ cooperation. Excitedly we gathered around the planting site and witnessed the burial of the small Copper Beech’s roots. A moment later and the effigy of our journey towards a greener planet had been firmly set. /Carl and Henning

Ausflug am Vormittag

Am Donnerstagvormittag sind wir Deutschschüler nach Landeck gefahren und haben die Stadtpfarrkirche mit zugehörigen Friedhof besichtigt. In der Kirche ist der Ritter Schrofenstein begraben. Sabine zeigte uns auch das schöne Naherholungsgebiet in Trams mit einem See. Danach sind wir in die Innenstadt gefahren und haben im kleinen Café Widman österreichischen Kuchen gegessen. Dann ging es zurück zur Schule um noch die letzten Vorbereitungen für das Konzert am Abend zu treffen. 

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